Thursday, May 17, 2007

Multi Tasking: Yes or No

What is the core logic behind multi tasking:

  1. Get more done, in parallel - meaning more profit for the company
  2. Use minimal resources - meaning more profit for the company

So what is the benefit for the employee? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

Should we multi task at job? NO

Human brain can do multi tasking of activities which require lower level of skills and which are routine. For example walking. along with walking, one can also do another low skill task.

Human brain is not designed to multi task like computers. So to switch from one complex activity to another one, it take a long time. Effectively it is a waste of time. Secondly, this frequent switches reduces quality and introduces errors. All in all, multi tasking may appear to be productive, but in the long term it is not.

So Say No To Multitasking!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

should I ask for a promotion?

Here is an excellent converstation:

How to Change the World: Ten Questions With Penelope Trunk: Career Guidance for This Century

Question: When should I ask for a promotion?

Answer: Maybe never. The average salary increase is four percent. Is that going to change your life in any meaningful way? On top of that, someone is promoting you up their ladder, but their ladder is not necessarily your best path. So stay focused on where you want to go instead of the paths other people have created for you. Getting a promotion is so last century. Instead of letting last century’s carrots dictate your workplace rewards, figure out what will be really meaningful to you: training, mentoring, flex time, whatever it is that means more than four percent more money. These are all things that can really improve your life and your career.

Does it make sense? In one way it does. But generally when accepting a job, we also should look at the career progression in the organization. If it doesn't match your expectation, then there is no reasoning for accepting it in the first place.

In a more holistic sense, it is true. Just stay focussed on where you want to go, and you will reach your destination!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Forgiveness at workplace

How did you handle a situation where your team mate made a terrific mistake? Got angry? Shouted at the top of your voice? or did you surprise him by showing empathy? here is a report on forgiveness at workplace:

To err is human - to forgive is divine. And profitable!

Sarah presented a research project that demonstrates that workplaces with a culture of forgiveness had:

1. Lower levels of interpersonal conflict and stress

2. Higher levels of productivity

Apparently, revenge creates stress and lowers productivity, whereas a culture of forgiveness makes a company more efficient and more profitable. So forgiveness is good for business. Cool!

Being unhappy with a situation can be understandable. But bursting out and behaving rash is not going to solve anything, but create more problems. It will not solve the current problem and it will not help you in preventing repetitions of such incidents.

Assume that you talk to this person with empathy, and at the end warn him about the consequences of repeating the same error. I am sure that he will be more conscious towards work and his commitment will be very high in the next project.

People don't make mistakes intentionally. Nobody will like to get an award for bad work. We don't work just for money. There is satisfaction, feeling of achievement, in the way we do the work. Helping a person to improve on what he is doing, irrespective of mistakes, is the biggest support a manger can provide. So forgiveness can indeed improve productivity, create better workplace and harmony in the team!

Yoga @ Work!

Yoga can be a great relief when under stress. here is an article in Forbes about yoga at work.

Best Workplace Stress Relievers -

While a great motivator, stress isn't so great for your health.

When under stress, people don't turn to granola for comfort. Instead, they skip the gym, head for a double cheeseburger and fries at the nearest fast food joint and have a smoke, according to a 2006 random national survey of more than 2,000 people conducted by the American Psychological Association. Of those questioned, 59% said work was a leading source of stress and 47% said they were concerned about stress in their lives.